BIM Hospital Project Delivery

Healthcare Modeling Data Base
Samsung C & T

Targeting six fundamental areas; Design, Process, Relations, Database, Server and Room; the BIM Project Delivery System ensures that BIM is properly implemented and managed on Healthcare projects. The intent of the BIM Delivery System is to develop an Integrated means by which Design Teams, Contractors and End Users can extract the most value out of BIM throughout the entire project lifecycle starting with Design, continuing through Pre-Construction and Construction, and ending with Facility Management.

As Healthcare facilities are largely design intensive, there is higher risk for costly errors. For this reason, the BIM Project Delivery System’s primary objective is the preparation of “Complete, Coordinated and Constructible” documents prior to construction. The BIM Database is a repository for the ever growing BIM “building blocks” that Designers and Contractors rely on throughout the project lifecycle. Each building block is programmed with valuable information enabling Quantity Take-Offs, Equipment Listings and Fabrication directly from the model.

Specific to the Healthcare field, the database of medical related information and FF&E building blocks makes it easy to track design and operations on a room by room basis. As the design progresses from the conceptual phase to CD’s, generic equipment is upgraded to manufacturer specific. At any time, the BIM model can inform which rooms have been finalized and which rooms are still incomplete.

Hospital Room Data Schedules are generated from the BIM model. From this information, the hospital room design may be altered in two ways. The first is by a change to the model by a designer. If a piece of medical equipment is added, the FF&E list name and quantities on the Room Data Schedule automatically update. The second is to change the model from the spreadsheet list. In this case, fields such as equipment and finish types as well as any non-quantity modifications can be made directly from a dropdown list that appears when an attempt is made to make a change on a spreadsheet. Once a change is made to the spreadsheet, this change is propagated back into the BIM model.